This changelog document is not updated very frequently. See the official discord server for the latest announcements.
Note: most new features will not be viewable on a user’s profile until their profile has been updated
- [feature] a new statistics feature or enhancement is implemented
- [documentation] a change that concerns documentation anywhere
- [appearance] improvements to the user interface or user experience
- [bugfix]* a change that fixes an issue. not all bugfixes are documented here (such as security bugfixes)
- [internal]* a change concerning internal processes. not all internal changes are documented here
- [status] important status changes. lower priority/frequent status updates will not be posted here
- [bugfix] ambessa added
- [bugfix] reduced the caching time for profiles
- [feature] added ME (middle east) region support
- [bugfix] fixed undefined regions in the match history viewer
- [bugfix] fixed undefined modes in the match history viewer
- [feature] improved readability of stat names in the match history viewer
- [feature] added team result next to the team number in the match history viewer
- [feature] filter history page by match result
- [status] patreon profile refresh cooldown lowered from 24h to 1h
- [bugfix] aurora was added
- [bugfix] swarm is not supported
- [bugfix] fixed an issue for tournament API users where queries for certain IGNs would never complete successfully
- [bugfix] added some missing queues
- [bugfix] added missing items
- [bugfix] certificate rotation
- [bugfix] updated champions list and items
- [bugfix] #568 fixed a bug with ARAM surrender detection that detected all ARAM losses as surrendered games
- [bugfix] fixed an issue preventing profiles from being generated properly for arena 2v2v2v2 players. arena data remains unsupported at this time
- [bugfix] fixed an issue preventing long riot IDs from being added
- [internal] queue efficiency and scaling optimizations for busy queues
- [bugfix] fixed an issue that was preventing riot IDs with special characters from loading
- [bugfix] fixed an issue preventing OCE, PH, SG, TH, TW, and VN accounts from being found
- [feature] the website has switched over to using Riot#IDs for most operations.
- [status] if you are looking up a previously existing profile, you will need the old summoner name to do it. this mostly applies to 2022-only and previous years’ profiles.
- [status] full support for Riot#IDs for tournament API users. for the username history search tool, both summoner names and riot IDs are supported.
- [status] only Riot#IDs may be added to the processing queue from this point forward. clicking the “update” button at the top of a summoner name profile will not work. you will need to find the Riot#ID for that account and add it to the queue manually
- [status] Patreon subscribers: no action is required for existing accounts on your list, even if they display the old name. but for adding new accounts to your lists, you will need to use the Riot#ID instead.
- [feature] #569 optimized queue speed a little bit, especially when the queue is not saturated
- [feature] while waiting for a profile to be processed in the queue, you can now see exactly how many games are older than 2 years (if you’re considering a subscription)
- [feature] (subscription required) remakes are now displayed on the history tab
- [status] please continue to use summoner names to look up accounts (including Tournament API users). you should see a gradual transition of riot#ids being displayed in various places within the next few days.
- [feature] #546 (subscription required) on the history page, you are now able to filter by players even if they have changed their name. click on any player’s ign to activate this filter. see the attached image as an example.
- [bugfix] after changing the filters on the history page, it should now always go to the first page by default
- [bugfix] fixed a bug affecting username searches in the Tournament API where games in other regions may have been incorrectly ignored. this may affect the username search results especially for region-transferred accounts.
- [feature] Added SEA regions: PH, SG, TH, TW, VN
- [status] effective immediately we are no longer showing name change histories on any private/public profile.
- [bugfix] fixed a bug affecting username searches by Tournament API users where some coop vs AI games may have been incorrectly ignored. this may affect the username search results especially for botted accounts. results for previous searches have not been corrected.
- [appearance] over the coming months (and possibly years) we will be publishing new designs for existing pages for massive thanks to @toru (new QA and source contributor for UI) for taking the lead on this project! the first of many changes to come has already been published at . we realize that certain features may be missing and things may be broken. please report any issues or feedback to us in this server and we appreciate the patience while we work on these issues. the old homepage will still be supported during the transition at . you may need to use the old homepage for things like looking up 2022 profiles.
- [bugfix] fixed a bug where the place # in queue reported to the user was incorrect (but did not affect the correct order of processing)
- [bugfix] fixed some bugs related to custom profiles
- [feature] Tournament API users are now allowed to create custom profiles with history enabled for any user. *please DM me for details and activation
- [bugfix] 2v2v2v2 arena will no longer break profiles however the game mode is still not supported in until further notice
- [bugfix] fixed a bug with custom profiles that did not respect setting a start date more than 2 years in the past
- [internal] queue performance optimizations
- [bugfix] added k’sante
- [internal] queue performance, storage, and energy efficiency improvements
- [bugfix] updated FOREX rates for international patrons
- [bugfix] certain unicode names that could not be searched before can now be searched if we’ve indexed a recent game of theirs. e.g. 名字
- [feature] Tournament API only: accounts that have been disabled for lookup on are now flagged in the username search results. see example image.
- [bugfix] Tournament API only: if a person name-changed before playing any games, you can now use their newest name to look them up (where previously you couldn’t). see example image.
- [bugfix] fixed an issue that prevented region-transferred accounts from showing up on the website
- [status] Match expirations set for 2022-08-16 have been postponed indefinitely. I’ve set a new goal on patreon (which is currently met ✅ ) where I will only delete matches if the level of support falls below that goal. I will no longer post these deadline extension status messages until at least 30 days before the first deletion happens. I am still in the process of optimizing the spending for storage to delay this for as long as possible!
- [status] @Tournament API An active patreon subscription is no longer required to use the tournament API of If you are currently subscribed, you can change or cancel your org’s subscription without losing access. If you choose to remain subscribed, thanks for supporting my work! The pricing will change to be a one-time setup fee of $5 only (instead of $5/month).
- [bugfix] added nilah
- [status] due to the increased support we’ve received on Patreon, the first match purge has not taken place yet and will be postponed until 2022-08-16
- [bugfix] added belveth
- [status] due to the increased support we’ve received on Patreon, the first match purge has not taken place yet and will be postponed until 2022-07-16
- [feature] #249 champion ban statistics. this will be on the champions tab
- [feature] we will shortly begin alpha testing on the username search tool for the NA region (EU to follow in about 3 weeks). the point of this tool is to help locate accounts that have ever had a particular username, past or present. access to this tool will be restricted to @Tournament API and there are some usage restrictions and privacy limitations associated. if you are part of @Tournament API and are based in NA, you will be receiving instructions shortly on how to access this page. if you’re looking to acquire this feature for your tournament org (and are willing to pay the $5/month it costs to do so), please reach out to me directly for further instructions.
- use an account’s current username to see previous usernames
- use an account’s previous username to see current username and other previous usernames
- see all accounts that have ever had a particular username
- see region transfers in all of the above cases
an image is attached with simulated results.
- [bugfix] the sensitivity of colors for maps of kills/deaths has been adjusted slightly so that there is more contrast when the total number of points is low
- [bugfix] fixed an issue where profile updates were not registering as fast as expected. the fix may take up to 24h to resolve for all profiles.
- [status] due to the increased support we’ve received on Patreon, the first match purge has not taken place yet and will be postponed until 2022-06-16
- [feature] the history page now has a champions filter. within each filter, separating champions by comma will end up displaying a game if any of the champions listed is present. when multiple filters are active, conditions for all filters must be met for a game to be displayed in the results. if you do not spell the champion’s name exactly/correctly, it will try to autocorrect.
- [feature] the history page now has a username filter
- [status] beginning today, all new profile updates for non-patrons will only analyze games from the last 730 days (2 years).
- [status] due to the increased support we’ve received on Patreon, the first match purge has not taken place yet and will be postponed until 2022-05-16
- [status] we will temporarily allow non-verified accounts to have the history page enabled. at some point this change may be reverted, at which point the history feature will become disabled again for non-verified accounts.
- [status] updated FOREX rates for DKK, NOK, SEK, HKD, SGD, NZD, CZK, HUF, PLN
- [bugfix] #531 add renata glasc
- [internal] lowered the amount of games required to be able to add a profile to the queue. if previously you’ve received a “not enough games” error, you can try again and it might work now.
- [bugfix] #525 added zeri
- [internal] #515 profiles should update slightly faster if we’ve seen you before
- [feature] #490 new match history site available for the history tab and overview tab. it should be the case that any match featured on any profile should be visible on the new site. Note: the new site uses a different domain ( extremely old profiles will need an update to see this change
- [internal] old system for keeping track of VIPs (Patrons, friends, donators) is cleared
- [status] the purging of old matches will begin on 2022-04-16. please make sure your accounts are registered on the account management system. patrons should expect another reminder/confirmation of this event on 2022-03-16.
- [feature] early updates for Patrons. update your profile as often as every 24 hours, regardless of the site-wide update period (currently 14 days). this will also allow you to update your year-in-review to get new features. Note: attempting to update 2020’s year in review will not work as intended. it will queue a profile for 2021 instead.
- [feature] #486 account management portal beta release. you can add accounts that you want to queue skip/enable history tab for. sign in using your patreon account. see for more details. please add your accounts when you can. we will purge match history in 2-4 months for accounts not added to the portal, no firm date set yet. another message will be sent to give you at least 30 days notice.
Friends receive free benefits and must login through Discord. Discord login will not work for Patrons.
- [status] pricing changes to benefits for patrons, effective immediately. note: membership costs will NOT increase automatically. ($0.50 per summoner after the first $0.50)
- [bugfix] fixed a bug where the #510 fix to the champions table did not translate over to K/D Locations
- [feature] #511 D, F, Q, W, E, R spell activations on the champions tab (how many times you pressed the D/F/Q/W/E/R button)
- [feature] #483 the 2021 year in review mode is now available! if you previously had a 2020 profile, it’s still available but you have to have the URL for it.
- [bugfix] #510 fixed a bug where support games got classified as bot (AD) games
- The website is posted to /r/leagueoflegends again
- [status] end of downtime for server relocation
- [status] queue processing paused for server relocation
- [bugfix] #505 fixed an issue related to username swapping on the same region
- [feature] #142 match history explorer: see a list of all your matches that we have data for. note, this is a Patreon-only feature. if you want this enabled on your account, please let me know.
- [feature] starting today going forward, Patron accounts will automatically queue skip. you will need to tell me your account once. but afterwards, it will always skip to the front of the queue, even if i am not awake.
- [status] end of long term maintenance. queue processing resumed
- [status] in preparation for reopening queues, please note that the “add summoner 2020” feature will no longer be available. all summoners who are presently in the queue for 2020 will be removed.
- [status] there is no guarantee that 2020’s profiles will be available in 2022! if you anticipate a need for this data next year, please archive it yourself.
- [status] Patreon billing suspended for another month
- [bugfix] players should no longer be encountering errors when attempting to add summoners to the queue
- [status] Patreon billing suspended for a month
- [bugfix] #450 match history links have been migrated away from the official match history website to a 3rd party site.
- [status] reverted temporary changes to queue on 2021-08-24
- [status] temporarily reassigned BR to its own queue
- [status] temporarily increased minimum time between updates from 2 to 7 days
- [status] fixed issue regarding website instability due to a cloud infrastructure issue
- [bugfix] #472 added akshan
- [feature] #469 new enemies table on the “Friends” tab. find out who you’ve been matched against the most.
- [bugfix] #458 match collection slower than usual. it should now be at normal speed again.
- [bugfix] #459 username filter not allowing certain names. more correct summoner names should be allowed now.
- [bugfix] #420 fixed non-SR calendar history
- [appearance] #438 the update progress page will now auto update every 30s
- [status] #449 we now accept donations via paypal (see website for details). also note that no additional benefits or services will be rendered through paypal donations and donations are non-refundable.
- [bugfix] #442 dates showing “32nd” of month in friend table
- [appearance] #433 a summoner with too few games in their match history will encounter a new error message when trying to join the queue
- [internal] #376 improve the stability of data collection for players with multiple thousands of matches
- [internal] #432 reduce each profile’s processing time anywhere from 0-35%
- [feature] #391 champion matchup statistics. see statistics for own performance against a certain champion, or opponent’s performance when playing as a champion
- [bugfix] #421 oldest/most recent match played should be sorted more accurately now in the friends table
- [appearance] #423 freeze first row of tables (so the first row is always visible)
- [feature] #223 match history links to earliest and most recent games played with a friend
- [feature] #420 non-SR calendar history
- [status] switched primary discord accounts to (iaace2#4153, 816044262940606504)
- [internal] #331 frontend performance optimizations for loading profile data
- [bugfix] fixed an issue where downtime on the lookup service was not detected by our status page
- [feature] #57 ARAM K/D location heatmaps
- [feature] #412 ARAM team placement statistics
- [feature] #349 per-game K / D / A values
- [feature] #349 average dragons, barons
- [documentation] privacy policy updated
- [appearance] #410 browser tab name updated
- [bugfix] #411 improved the “happiness” algorithm
- [feature] #147 champion damage share %
- [feature] #148 champion gold share %
- [feature] champion champion-damage share, objective damage %, absorbed damage %
- [feature] #409 the champion performance table will now break-down champions into different lanes if you’ve played that particular lane more than 10% and have at least 5 games in that lane
- [bugfix] #373 a string of “undefined”s may show up in a table because the table was not constructed correctly
- [appearance] #384 website status is now separated into 2 tables
- [feature] #403 average streak length added for all/ranked queues
- [appearance] #393 if certain sections of the website can’t be shown, an error message will be shown in its place
- [feature] #404 we are trialing a new status monitoring website at . historical uptime data is only available from this point forward (past data is not accurate).
- [bugfix] #394 friend groups data included AI games when it should not have
- [bugfix] #389 fixed a bug where someone might count as a “friend” if they’ve showed up on the enemy team a few times. this should improve friend accuracy for higher elo players.
- [feature] #352 winrate within friend groups
- [feature] #390 you can now directly compare performance scores in the friends table (there is an own-score column and a friend-score column)
- [appearance] #320 added an apple-touch-icon.png for those saving to their home screens on apple devices
- [bugfix] #388 fixed fiddlesticks images for profiles processed between 2021-01-21 and now
- [appearance] #137 new logo
- [bugfix] #385 veigo added (also caused a bug that had to be fixed with #388)
- [internal] #386 profile cooldown period reduced from 7 to 2 days
- [status] Queue processing resumed globally
- [appearance] #127 performance score is now explained properly whenever it is hovered over
- [appearance] #365 estimated progress bar is now larger in size
- [bugfix] #369 region selector should now function when using website language translation
- [appearance] #274 queue times are automatically updated on the home page
- [internal] #319 cleared match cache. updating profiles may be slightly slower than usual
- [feature] #348 added a “2020” year in review option. this only uses games played in the UTC calendar year 2020. 2020-only update requests will always be processed before other requests.
- [status] #355 NA reassigned to queue #1, RU moved to global queue
- [status] #356 the minimum time between updates has been changed to 7 days
- [appearance] #358 iOS drop down region selector is barely viewable due to colors
- [internal] #310 query param message is now signed for /updateresultsuccess.html and /updateresultfail.html
- [appearance] #92 the website should display better on thinner screens (including mobile devices)
- [bugfix] #353 if a summoner has never gotten a penta, the 0s are a red color instead of white
- [bugfix] #351 index.css missing “new tab link” icon
- [feature] #350 name change history (user overview tab)
- [feature] #20 use full item names for item graph, where available
- [internal] #12 dynamically retrieve item names specific to patch versions
- [internal] #141 autoload champion patch information
- [bugfix] #307 season 11 items
- [bugfix] Rell (new champion) added
- [internal] TLS 1.2 is now the minimum supported version of TLS
- [bugfix] #269 sometimes pressing the enter button would add a user to the queue instead of looking them up
- [internal] #240 faster page loading speed by utilizing HTTP/2 push/preloading
- [appearance] #337 profiles from this point forward will use .webp images. users on older browsers may not see certain images rendered correctly
- [appearance] #283 clicking friend summoner names on the “friends” page will take you to their profile. note: if the friend has changed their name, it will not work.
- [internal] #290 hosting provider migration complete
- [appearance] #313 added champion/lane icons
- [bugfix] #312 performance score tooltip is wrong
- [documentation] added Google Forms feedback survey
- [feature] #309 champion winrate by patch
- [bugfix] #312 performance score tooltip wrong
- [feature] #194 ff/surrender detection added. this feature should be most accurate for non-RGM summoner’s rift and howling abyss games
- [bugfix] #306 Seraphine added
- [status] Patreon post: development update
- [feature] #293 average time spent in won/lost games, added to “User Overview” tab
- [internal] #292 http/2 server push implemented (pages should load slightly faster)
- [internal] #287 reduced storage usage by half
- [status] #290 a full hosting services migration is being considered
- [documentation] #285 terms and conditions updated
- [appearance] #284 removed drop down arrow
- [bugfix] #217 looking up summoners in invalid regions will produce a more helpful error message
- [feature] #282 allow the lookup of other profiles on the profile page
- [feature] #281 add estimated-time progress bar to the “added to queue” page
- [bugfix] #268 Lillia added
- [bugfix] #267 nexus blitz added
- [bugfix] #262 updating profiles did not properly get the new matches since the previous profile update
- [bugfix] #253 fixed an issue where the website server crashed on lookup failure
- [internal] #152 summoner update cooldown reduced to 48 hours
- [internal] #246 reduced size of all summoner profiles (retroactively) by 1 MB
- [feature] #224 winrate vs rank and performance vs rank on Match Trends tab
- this feature is in private beta and not available for public release yet. profiles not participating in this beta will not have any data for this section
- [internal] #229 created update ban list (for patreon abuses)
- [appearance] #245 PNG images are reduced in file size
- [appearance] #242 html lang attribute set to en-US
- [internal] #33 upgraded nodejs version from 10 to 12 everywhere
- [bugfix] #209 fiddlesticks trinket now registered as FIDL item code
- [appearance]#241 pages won’t request resources they don’t need
- [internal] #243 more aggressive caching for some static resources
- [internal] #244 enabled gzip compression on the origin server
- [bugfix] #236 maps now have alcoves
- [documentation] #228 this documentation site was created
- [status] #203 profiles will now expire after 365 days of not being updated
- [internal] #203 hosting costs have decreased because of a database migration. my patreon page/goals have been updated accordingly
- [documentation] hosting invoice for April posted at my patreon for transparency
- [internal] #114 rate limit request was answered by riot. match collection should be sped up by a minimum of 2x. stats processing duration remains unchanged
- [bugfix] #219 URF and 1ForAll games don’t count towards combat-related statistics anymore
- [feature] #220 there is now a game mode counter on the user overview page. it shows how many games were played in each queue, as well as the WL record, WR, average game duration, and total game duration.
- [feature] #128 stats per lane (top, jgl, mid, sup, bot) are added to the champions table
- [appearance] #218 the “in queue” page will now tell you how long you’ve been waiting in queue
- [appearance] #214 estimated time remaining in queue should be slightly more accurate (more pessimistic)
- [bugfix] #212 comeback/throw gold diff values were incorrect
- [feature] #133 better lane detection (for K/D heatmaps currently, and will be used for other features in the future)
- [internal] #208 drastically improve speed of match retrieval for matches already cached
- [internal] the cache time for our CDN was reduced from 2 hours to 10 minutes
- [status] a bug was discovered with network graph generation. if your profile was processed within the past few days and is missing both friend and item network graphs, please wait the 1 week to re-add it to the update queue.
- [bugfix] #183 partial fix implemented for: friend graph pdf has squares where korean characters should be
- [feature] #126 fun facts table increased from 10->25 matches with a scrolling table
- [internal] profile storage capacity doubled
- [internal] enable automatic retrying on failure to process profiles
- [status] RU has been assigned its own queue, NA has been moved to the global queue
- [status] if >90% (previously 100%) of matches in a player’s match history can be downloaded, then we will generate a profile
- [appearance] #177 match history tables now have tooltips on hover for performance score & throw/comeback gold difference
- [feature] #163 added team scores to match history tables
- [bugfix] #175 match tables will now use the current browser time for the “when?” column instead of being fixed to the time of profile generation
- [bugfix] #179 fixed issue regarding region transferred accounts in 2 different queues/region
- [appearance] unsortable tables no longer have a special cursor when you hover their columns
- [bugfix] #154 allow username changes while in the update queue without requiring a resubmission of the new username
- [feature] #126 extend fun facts tables (responsibly): doubled the matches shown from 5->10
- when scrolling tables can be implemented, this limit will be increased
- [bugfix] #162 if you are a person that doesn’t play league often, then fewer sections of your profile should be blank
- [appearance] #111 navigation bar added
- [feature] #74 added interactive tables (sortable)
- [feature] #143 detect and adjust graphs to local timezone
- timezones will round to the nearest hour, so if you live in a timezone like UTC-3.5, it will be rounded to UTC-3
- timezones will only be adjusted for hourly heatmaps. calendar heatmaps will continue to use the UTC timezone
- [bugfix] #93, #145 prevent infinity values in champion data table
- noticeable improvement for summoners that have fewer games in their match history
- [appearance] #146 if a summoner is not available for lookup, a button will appear on that same error page allowing a user to add that summoner to the update queue without returning to the homepage
- [bugfix] #154 allow username changes while in queue to get updated
- Note: partial fix. usernames will now update in queue if someone resubmits their new username, instead of giving an internal server error. if the new username never gets updated, it will fail.
- [internal] match collection sped up by 25%
- [internal] API calls are now distributed across more processes
- [bugfix] #105 riot match history links were fixed by riot (service outage)
- [feature] #134 superlatives table for team gold diff comebacks and throws
- [documentation] #130 note that items used in statistics calculations are taken from the end game screen
- [bugfix] match history links work for all regions now
- [appearance] #112 increased vertical spacing of table rows
- [feature] #124 blue/red side frequency and WL record now appears on the user overview