
Public changelog website for

Table Color Scales

Scale names and typical usage

Scales can have different modes:

  1. goodbad (Red-White-Green RedWhiteGreen, typically absolute)
    • Bad value: Red
    • Neutral value: White
    • Good value: Green
  2. goodokbad (Red-Orange-Green RedOrangeGreen, typically relative)
    • Bad value: Red
    • Average value: Orange
    • Good value: Green
  3. greatgoodokbad (Red-Yellow-Green-Cyan RedYellowGreenCyan, typically absolute)
    • Bad value: Red
    • Average value: Yellow
    • Good value: Green
    • Great value: Cyan
  4. hotcold (Red-White-Blue RedWhiteBlue, typically absolute)
    • Low value: Blue
    • Neutral value: White
    • High value: Red
  5. lowmedhigh (Red-Orange-Blue RedOrangeBlue, typically relative)
    • Low value: Blue
    • Medium value: Orange
    • High value: Red
  6. blood (White-Red WhiteRed, typically absolute)
    • Zero value: White
    • High value: Red
  7. blue (White-Blue WhiteBlue, typically absolute)
    • Zero value: White
    • High value: Blue

the format of the column information will be as follows column_name: Absolute/Relative, Linear/Logarithmic, scale_name[min, ...steps, max]

example: KD: Absolute, Linear, goodbad[0, 1, 2]

Friends Page

Your Friends

  1. total games: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  2. total wins: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max of wins/losses]
  3. total losses: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max of wins/losses]
  4. winrate: Absolute, Linear, goodbad[35%, 50%, 65%]
  5. friend’s average performance score ±SD
    • friend’s average performance score: Relative, Linear, goodbad[mean - 1.5, mean + 1.5]
    • friend’s ±SD (standard deviation): Relative, Linear, goodbad[mean + 1.5, mean - 1.5]
  6. average game duration: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[mean - 120s, mean + 120s]
  7. total time spent: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]

Calendar History Page

Calendar Patterns

  1. Games per day: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]

Ranked Patterns

  1. Ranked games per day: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]

Hourly Patterns

  1. Hourly schedule: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  2. Winrate by hour: Absolute, Linear, goodbad[25, 50, 75]

Champions Page

Champions Played and stats for PvP games

  1. champion
  2. total games: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  3. wins: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max of wins and losses]
  4. losses: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max of wins and losses]
  5. winrate: Absolute, Linear, goodbad[35%, 50%, 65%]
  6. total KDA: Relative, Linear, goodokbad[mean - 1, mean + 1]
  7. average KDA±SD
    • average KDA: Relative, Linear, goodokbad[mean - 1.5, mean + 1.5]
    • ±SD: Relative, Linear, goodokbad[mean + 1.5, mean - 1.5]
  8. total KD: Absolute, Linear, goodbad[0.5, 1, 1.5]
  9. average KD: Relative, Linear, goodokbad[mean - 1, mean + 1]
  10. average KP: Absolute, Linear, goodbad[25%, 45%, 65%]
  11. first blood rate: Absolute, Linear, blood[0%, 10%, 20%]
  12. total cs/min: Absolute, Linear, greatgoodokbad[1, 3.5, 5.5, 7]
  13. average vision score/hour: Absolute, Linear, greatgoodokbad[20, 45, 70, 100]
  14. average gold/min: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[min, max]
  15. average game duration: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[30%tile, 90%tile]
  16. total time played: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  17. triples: Relative, Linear, blood[0, 1, max]
  18. quadras: Relative, Linear, blood[0, 1, max]
  19. pentas: Relative, Linear, blood[0, 1, max]

I like killing __

  1. kills against: Relative, Linear, blood[0, max]
  2. total games: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  3. kills per game: Relative, Linear, blood[0, max]

I keep getting killed by __

  1. deaths against: Relative, Linear, blue[0, max]
  2. total games: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  3. deaths per game: Relative, Linear, blue[0, max]

Items Page

Items you/your team/your teammates built

  1. # of appearances: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  2. total games: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  3. wins: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max of wins and losses]
  4. losses: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max of wins and losses]
  5. winrate: Absolute, Linear, goodbad[25%, 50%, 75%]


  1. # of appearances: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  2. total games: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max]
  3. wins against: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max of wins and losses]
  4. losses against: Relative, Logarithmic, lowmedhigh[0, max of wins and losses]
  5. winrate against: Absolute, Linear, goodbad[25%, 50%, 75%]

Kill/Death Locations Page

  1. where you get kills/die: Relative, Linear, lowmedhigh[0, max]